Clear by Skin Sheek

Clear by Skin Sheek™ - Clear Unsightly Skin Irregularities

For those struggling with acne or blemishes, Clear by Skin Sheek offers a solution that can help clear up these issues effectively. This high-frequency treatment targets problem areas on the face, helping reduce inflammation and kill bacteria causing breakouts. It's suitable for all skin types and offers quick results without discomfort or downtime. Our therapists are highly trained in this procedure so you can be confident in receiving top-quality care at our spa studio. Book an appointment today if you want clearer and healthier-looking skin.

A woman with a towel wrapped around her head is looking at her face.

All You Need to Know About Clear by Skin Sheek™

Clear by Skin Sheek is an innovative solution designed specifically for addressing common yet stubborn skin conditions like acne, pigmentation issues, rosacea etc., using high frequency technology that stimulates cell renewal process and promotes healthier-looking skin from within.

  • What is Clear by Skin Sheek™?

    Clear by Skin Sheek™ is a high-frequency aesthetic treatment designed for the precise addressing of minor skin irregularities. It harnesses specialized probes to regulate the application of high-frequency waves directly on the skin. 

    The procedure is non-invasive, meaning it works without penetrating the skin’s surface. Treatments are typically swift, taking mere seconds to complete. This simplicity eliminates the need for more costly and invasive laser procedures in many cases.

  • Which conditions can be treated?

    1. Broken Capillaries (face): Clear by Skin Sheek™ can help diminish the appearance of broken capillaries, which are small, dilated blood vessels that appear on the face.


    2. Rosacea: This treatment can manage rosacea symptoms by reducing redness, inflammation, and visible blood vessels.


    3. Cherry Angioma: Using Clear by Skin Sheek™, cherry angiomas - small, bright red growths that can appear anywhere on the body - can be effectively treated.


    4. Cholesterol Deposits: If you have cholesterol deposits – yellowish-white fat bumps under the skin usually around eyes – Clear by Skin Sheek™ could be your solution.

    5. Keratosis: This treatment works effectively to remove keratosis - rough patches or small bumps commonly found on sun-exposed areas of skin.

    6. Skin Tags: Clear by Skin Sheek™ is an effective solution for removing skin tags - small pieces of soft hanging skin.


    7. Sebaceous Hyperplasia: For those struggling with sebaceous hyperplasia – tiny bumps appearing predominantly on the forehead or cheeks – this treatment offers a non-invasive option for clear skin.

    8. Age & Sun Spots: If you're looking to reduce age spots or sunspots—small dark areas on your skin—Clear by Skin Sheek™ can provide effective results.

    9. Milia, Acne, Blackheads, Pimples: Whether it's milia (tiny white bumps), acne breakouts or stubborn blackheads and pimples; this treatment helps clear up these common blemishes for smoother, clearer skin.


    10. Fibromas: Clear by Skin Sheek™ also treats fibromas—benign growths that consist of fibrous tissues—for a smoother and healthier-looking complexion.

  • Who should consider Clear by Skin Sheek™?

    Those seeking an effective solution to minor skin irregularities may consider Clear as their go-to option. Its non-invasive nature makes it a preferred choice over more intensive laser treatments.

    However, individuals with pacemakers or implanted electronic devices should avoid this treatment. Similarly, those with serious heart conditions, high blood pressure or nickel allergy should refrain from this procedure along with pregnant women or those on an anticoagulant.

  • What to expect during a session?

    During a Clear session expect precise treatment administered swiftly on your problem areas. The comfort level varies among clients but generally remains within tolerable limits.

    Post-treatment you may notice your treated area turning pinkish and sensitive but rest assured that you can return to work immediately after your session ends. Makeup application and resuming exercise is typically safe within 24-48 hours.

A woman is smiling and touching her face with her hands.

Benefits of Clear by Skin Sheek™

Opting for Clear by Skin Sheek allows you to tackle skin issues effectively without resorting to harsh chemicals or invasive procedures. It's an excellent option for those who want to regain their confidence by achieving clear, vibrant and healthier-looking skin.

  • Non-Invasive, Quick, and Precise Treatment

    The treatment procedure offers an absolute comfort level to our clients. It's skillfully designed to be non-invasive, ensuring you feel at ease throughout the process. 

    Speed is another key attribute of this treatment. The use of high-frequency aesthetic technology ensures that procedures are completed swiftly and accurately.

  • Affordable Alternative to Laser Procedures

    Financial concerns should never be a barrier when it comes to achieving healthy skin. Our treatments are priced reasonably, providing an affordable alternative to expensive laser procedures.

    You can achieve your skincare goals without breaking the bank. The affordability doesn't compromise the quality or effectiveness of the treatment; value for money is guaranteed.

  • Immediate Results with Little to No Downtime

    Our clients often express astonishment at how quickly they see results from our treatments. Noticeable improvements in skin condition can be expected immediately after a session.

    Moreover, there's minimal disruption to your daily routine post-treatment. You'll have little to no downtime, allowing you resume your regular activities almost immediately after your session.

  • Treats a Wide Range of Skin Conditions

    Skin irregularities can take many forms and our treatments cater for a wide range of these conditions. From age spots and broken capillaries to blackheads and pimples - we've got it covered.

    Regardless of your specific skin concern, we provide effective solutions tailored to meet individual skincare needs. Achieve beautiful and healthy skin with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have numerous questions so we've compiled answers to some of the most common queries our clients have about our services and treatments. It's designed to give you a clear understanding of what to expect from us. If you can't find an answer or need more details, feel free to reach out to us directly - we're always here to help!

  • How many treatments are needed for optimal results?

    The number of Clear by Skin Sheek™ treatments required can vary depending on the specific skin condition and its severity. Most skin irregularities are effectively treated in just one session, providing immediate results. However, some conditions like broken capillaries or larger irregularities may necessitate more than one treatment for optimal outcomes.

    In these cases, we develop a personalized treatment plan to ensure the best possible results for our clients. Please remember that every individual's skin is unique and responds differently to treatments, so it's essential to have realistic expectations about the number of sessions you may need.

  • Is the procedure painful?

    Clear by Skin Sheek™ is a non-invasive procedure designed with your comfort in mind. While it is generally well-tolerated, some clients may experience slight discomfort during the treatment similar to a warm pinprick sensation. This sensation is temporary and subsides quickly once the procedure is complete.

    We prioritize client comfort at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio and do everything we can to make your experience as relaxing as possible. For sensitive areas or clients, topical numbing creams can be applied prior to treatment to minimize any potential discomfort.

  • Can I apply makeup after the procedure?

       Post-treatment care following a triLift™ session is usually minimal due to its non-invasive nature but maintaining good skincare habits can enhance and prolong the results. This includes using sunscreen regularly to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, keeping your skin hydrated, and following a balanced diet.

       Our team will provide you with a detailed aftercare plan tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle. This will include recommendations on suitable skincare products to use after the treatment, as well as lifestyle adjustments that may help maintain the rejuvenating effects of triLift™.

  • How should I prepare my skin for the Clear by Skin Sheek™ treatment?

    Preparation for the Clear by Skin Sheek™ treatment is fairly simple. We recommend that you clean your skin thoroughly and avoid applying any makeup, creams or lotions on the day of your appointment. If possible, arrive with your skin as natural as possible to maximize the effectiveness of the procedure. It's also advisable to stay well hydrated before your session as this can help enhance your skin's health and responsiveness to treatment.

    Another key element in preparing for a Clear by Skin Sheek™ treatment involves understanding what the procedure entails and setting realistic expectations. During your pre-treatment consultation, our professionals will explain the process in detail and answer any queries you might have about it. Knowing what to expect can help alleviate any anxiety or discomfort you might feel about undergoing a new skincare treatment.

  • What can I expect in terms of downtime and recovery following a Clear by Skin Sheek™ treatment?

    Clear by Skin Sheek™ treatments are non-invasive procedures that generally involve minimal downtime allowing clients to return their daily activities immediately after their sessions if they choose to do so. However, individuals may experience temporary redness or sensitivity in the treated area, which typically subsides within a few hours post-treatment.

    During recovery period, it's important to treat your skin gently. This means avoiding any harsh skincare products or treatments that could potentially irritate the skin further. We also recommend keeping your skin well-hydrated and protected from the sun to aid in healing and enhance the results of your Clear by Skin Sheek™ treatment. Remember, every individual's skin is unique and recovery times can vary, so patience is key as you allow your skin to heal and reveal its new radiance.

Our Services

Step into a world of rejuvenation and self-care with our array of bespoke services at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio. Our offerings span across holistic, anti-aging spa treatments, energy healing services, and cutting-edge skin rejuvenation treatments. Embrace the journey towards enhanced well-being with us.

A woman is looking at her face in a mirror.

Embrace a New You: Start Your Journey to Glowing Clear Skin

Eager to achieve clear and radiant skin? Connect with our experts at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness from Newburyport and surrounding areas. Schedule your consultation or book your first Clear by Skin Sheek™ session today! Our Microcurrent Facials pair perfectly with the treatment to boost elasticity.Let us guide you on your journey to flawless skin. Don't delay, start your transformation now!

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