Osmosis MD Facial Infusion

Osmosis MD Facial Infusion: Your Skin's New Best Friend

Our Osmosis MD Facial Infusion goes beyond traditional facials; it revitalizes the deeper layers of your skin for a more lasting effect. This advanced treatment infuses the skin with high-dose active ingredients that stimulate collagen production and cellular renewal. The result is smoother, brighter, and younger-looking skin. It's perfect for those who are seeking a deeper level of skincare treatment without resorting to harsh methods or chemicals. To reap the benefits of this innovative facial infusion, don't hesitate to contact us and book an appointment.

A woman is getting a facial treatment with a brush

A Closer Look at Osmosis MD Facial Infusion

The Osmosis MD Facial Infusion is a non-acid peel that creates a substantial increase in fibroblast activity and collagen production without trauma. This unique procedure infuses the dermis with essential vitamins and antioxidants to rejuvenate the skin, making it look radiant and feel youthful.

  • What is Osmosis MD Facial Infusion?

    Osmosis Facial Infusion is a unique skincare procedure. It provides dermal rejuvenation without the harshness often associated with chemical peels. 

    This non-acid treatment offers instant results with zero downtime. It's a painless way to achieve total skin transformation.

    Osmosis boasts a remarkable array of patented and exclusive ingredients that you won't find elsewhere. This sets our results apart from others. 

    For instance, our liposomal retinaldehyde is highly tolerated retinol which also happens to be the most clinically proven effective collagen stimulator available. Real change happens when you enhance the actual health of the skin without damaging it.

  • How do we combine medical and holistic approaches?

    Medical skincare lines are designed to be the most potent and corrective skincare available. However, Osmosis stands out with its unique blend of holistic methods and advanced technology for optimal skin repair.

    The term "holistic" is scientifically grounded! It's a well-known fact that uncompromised skin performs at its best. Hence, Osmosis opts for ingredients that don't provoke an inflammatory response in the immune system. Inflammation not only hastens aging but also hinders the skin's ability to maintain collagen density, DNA, and barrier health.

  • How does it work?

    The treatment uses enhanced delivery systems to increase collagen production for 30 days. The process begins with deep penetration of calming and antibacterial ingredients into the skin via nano-infusion.

    In addition, liposomal delivery of key ingredients ensures no damage to the dermis. This method allows for immediate results and no recovery time.

    Studies have found that daily exfoliation of the epidermis can lead to sun sensitivity, skin sensitivity, and dehydration. 

    This is why we aim to boost the health of your skin instead. Our serums safeguard the barrier while enhancing age-reversing repair with superior delivery systems. 

    Osmosis specifically targets the dermal-epidermal junction with patented oxidation repair technology along with essential lipids and proteins to promote a healthier protective barrier while gently introducing components needed for repair.

  • What are the ingredients involved?

    Our Facial Infusion includes a range of carefully selected ingredients. These elements work together to remodel the skin without causing any harm or discomfort.

    The infusion involves potent yet gentle components that are known for their antibacterial properties and ability to stimulate collagen production, thereby enhancing your skin's health and appearance.

    We realize the importance of clean ingredients as toxic and irritating substances can undermine lasting results. The skin is continually defending itself against environmental hazards, so it doesn't need to deal with additional skincare toxins. Our clean ingredients make many of our products friendly for oncology use.

  • What can you expect?

    Your skincare journey starts with a thorough cleansing of your face, followed by application of the Osmosis Facial Infusion solution. The treatment is relaxing, non-invasive, and does not involve any discomfort or pain.

    Post-treatment, you can immediately return to your regular activities. Avoiding direct sunlight is recommended after the procedure as your newly rejuvenated skin adjusts.

A woman is getting a facial treatment at a spa.

Benefits of Osmosis MD Facial Infusions

Going with our Osmosis MD Facial Infusion means prioritizing your skin health without causing damage or discomfort. This facial infusion stimulates natural healing processes in your skin, resulting in a fresher, healthier complexion that glows from within.

  • Boost in Collagen and Elastin Production

    Achieving a youthful appearance is now effortless. The treatment aids in increasing collagen and elastin, key components of the skin's structure. This process results in a firm, smooth, and resilient complexion.

    The continued production of collagen and elastin helps to slow down the aging process. It also minimizes signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines, giving your skin a renewed glow.

  • Healing Acne and Restoring Capillary Flow

    Skin prone to acne can greatly benefit from this treatment. It targets the root cause by unclogging pores and reducing inflammation, leading to clear and healthy skin.

    Additionally, the restoration of capillary flow is another key benefit. Improved blood circulation nourishes your skin cells with vital nutrients promoting overall skin health.

  • Reducing Hyperpigmentation and Improving Skin Tone

    Hyperpigmentation issues are addressed effectively with this treatment. By gently exfoliating the skin's surface layer, it encourages the growth of new cells that help reduce dark spots for an even complexion.

    Improvement in skin tone is also evident post-treatment. The radiant glow post-treatment is attributed to better blood circulation leading to healthier-looking skin.

  • Increased Firmness & Elasticity, Wrinkle Reduction

    The treatment works wonders on sagging or loose skin by enhancing its elasticity which results in firmer looking complexion. Your facial contours become more pronounced as your skin tightens post-treatment.

    Wrinkle reduction is another fantastic result seen after undergoing this procedure. By promoting cell regeneration while increasing collagen production; it visibly reduces wrinkles imparting a smooth texture to your face.

  • Restoration of Hydration & Radiance

    Dilated blood vessels that often mar facial aesthetics are minimized effectively with this treatment; resulting in smoother looking complexion free from redness or visible veins.


    Restoring hydration levels within your dermal layers is another key advantage. Hydrated skin appears more plump, radiant and youthful. With improved hydration, your skin also gains a natural radiance that enhances your overall appearance.

  • Dermal Thickening

    Thin or sagging skin is rejuvenated through dermal thickening brought about by this treatment. The procedure promotes the growth of new skin cells, making the skin denser and more resilient.

    Healthy dermal thickness can help resist external damage and aging effects better. Your skin becomes less prone to sagging or developing wrinkles in the long run.

  • DNA Repair

    Commonly used retinols and acids can cause DNA damage; hence we avoid them entirely. The health of DNA plays a crucial role in maintaining overall skin health. Our liposomal retinaldehyde safeguards against UVB and is stabilized, significantly reducing potential DNA damage. 

    Osmosis applies advanced DNA repair strategies, like our patented Zinc Finger Technology and AC-11°, which are clinically proven to treat pre-cancerous lesions holistically.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have numerous questions so we've compiled answers to some of the most common queries our clients have about our services and treatments. It's designed to give you a clear understanding of what to expect from us. If you can't find an answer or need more details, feel free to reach out to us directly - we're always here to help!

  • When will I see the results of Osmosis Facial Infusion?

    Results from an Osmosis Facial Infusion are visible almost instantly due to its potent blend of active ingredients that work at a cellular level. After just one session you'll notice an immediate improvement in your complexion; smoother texture and brighter tone are among the initial noticeable changes.

    However, the full effects come into play approximately five days post-treatment as collagen production increases over time – leading to even more remarkable improvements in firmness and elasticity while reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Therefore it’s not just an immediate enhancement but also promotes long-term benefits for healthier, younger-looking skin.

  • What is the downtime with Osmosis Facial Infusion?

    The beauty of Osmosis Facial Infusion lies in its ability to deliver profound results without any downtime. Unlike traditional chemical peels that can leave your skin red and sensitive post-treatment - the unique formulation of this infusion ensures no such effects. 

    You may return to your normal activities immediately after the treatment. However, it's recommended that you avoid direct sunlight to protect your newly rejuvenated skin. Essentially you get all the benefits of a powerful facial peel but without any harsh after-effects or recovery time.

  • Am I a candidate for Osmosis Facial Infusion?

    Absolutely! The Osmosis Facial Infusion treatment is versatile and beneficial for all skin types. It addresses various skin concerns, from acne to aging, making it a suitable choice for anyone looking to improve their skin's health and appearance. Whether your skin is sensitive, dry, oily, or combination, this non-acid peel can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

    Moreover, if you're searching for a solution that boosts collagen production, heals acne scars, reduces hyperpigmentation, or simply enhances your overall complexion without causing any damage or downtime - this treatment is an ideal option. It offers total skin rejuvenation by penetrating deep into the dermis to remodel the skin from within.

  • Can I use my regular skincare products after receiving the Osmosis Facial Infusion treatment?

    Post-treatment care is crucial in maintaining and enhancing results from any facial service including the Osmosis Facial Infusion. While it's generally safe to return to your regular skincare routine following this procedure - some products might be better suited than others.

    Certain potent ingredients like retinol or strong acids might not be necessary immediately post-treatment due to enhanced cellular activity stimulated by this infusion process. Your therapist will provide personalized aftercare advice tailored specifically for you which may include product recommendations that complement and prolong results from this innovative facial service.

  • How often should I get an Osmosis Facial Infusion?

    The frequency of your Osmosis Facial Infusion treatments depends largely on your individual skin type and specific skincare goals. Generally, if you're addressing a specific concern like acne or hyperpigmentation, a series of monthly treatments may be recommended to achieve the best results. 

    However, for those using this treatment as part of a regular skincare routine for maintenance and prevention, a session every 3-4 months might be sufficient. It's important to have these discussions with your skincare professional who can provide personalized advice based on an assessment of your skin's needs.

Our Services

Step into a world of rejuvenation and self-care with our array of bespoke services at Soul Serenity Beauty & Wellness Studio. Our offerings span across holistic, anti-aging spa treatments, energy healing services, and cutting-edge skin rejuvenation treatments. Embrace the journey towards enhanced well-being with us.

A woman is touching her face with her hand and smiling.

Your Beautiful Skin Awaits with Osmosis MD Facial Infusion

Find your radiant glow with Osmosis MD Facial Infusion! Residents of Newburyport and surrounding areas, book your first session today to reveal your skin's highest potential. You can also treat yourself to our signature facial which pair well with the peel. Connect with us via phone, email, or our online booking link. Hear from our satisfied clients about their transformative journey with us. Begin your own path to beautiful, rejuvenated skin now!

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